God Always Shows Up

God Always Shows Up

April 7, 2024

    Prayer Before Worship:

    Dear living Lord Jesus, doubts torment me sometimes. Here as I worship, my faith seems so real and true. Then, when I go back into my day-to-day life, my confidence withers, old misgivings return, and I have doubts. Come to me, resurrected and living Lord Jesus. Bring me a sure and lasting faith in Your power and Your presence. Make my life to be a witness where others might see Jesus living in my words and actions. Amen.

    In Today’s Worship:

    The disciples were fearful and didn’t know what to make of the news of Jesus’ resurrection – then Jesus showed up. Thomas doubted Jesus had risen – then Jesus showed up. Jesus shows up in our lives too. He comes giving His peace, pardon, and presence. He come to us without waiting for us to get our lives all together and seek Him out. He comes to us when we need Him most. God always shows up!